Threads was launched on Meta’s Instagram in July 2023. It is a microblogging site similar to X (previously known as Twitter). Within the first five days of its launch, the app had 100 million registered users. However, the platform struggled to keep regular users of the text-based software after the initial surge.
Since then, the company has added various new features to the app, all with the goal of improving the user experience. Threads appears to be regaining its footing in the game, as the number of new downloads has increased, while competitor X has declined.
According to Appfigures, Threads received 12 million new downloads on Apple’s App Store and 16 million on Google Play in December 2023. As a result, the application ranked fourth and eighth on the firm’s Most Downloaded Apps list. Threads rated sixth overall on the list of new downloads.
Threads has an estimated 160 million users, according to an online tracker, which states that it uses “an approximation method based on a sampling of follower counts” since Meta stopped providing user count figures on July 11, 2023.
Threads’ parent, Instagram, ranked first on the list with 54 million combined new downloads, surpassing TikTok, which had 47 million total new downloads. Facebook and WhatsApp, both owned by Meta, entered the top ten with 39 and 38 million new downloads, respectively, ranking third and fourth.
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A TechCrunch report revealed an extensive version of the list, which showed Elon Musk’s X with an estimated total new downloads of 8.5 million, dropping the application to 36th. The reduction may not be as scary as it appears, as a PCMag story points out that Twitter was founded in 2006 and now has 540 million users.