WhatsApp rolled out its new feature called WhatsApp Sticker Maker, which enables users to make their own customized stickers. It has added a feature to convert any photo into a WhatsApp sticker.
Currently, it is available only on WhatsApp Web and coming on WhatsApp’s Desktop-based app for Windows and Mac for coming weeks, but can be used to design your personalized WhatsApp sticker for an occasion, festival, birthday, or depending on your group chats!
WhatsApp users need to note here that to use the latest feature of the app, WhatsApp Sticker maker, you have to update the latest version of WhatsApp and the images that you will use for making stickers. Here, know the process to convert any image into your WhatsApp stickers.
How to convert an image into a WhatsApp sticker?
Step 1: Open WhatsApp Web in your browser
Step 2: Go into any of your chat window
Step 3: Tap on the paper clip looking attachment icon
Step 4: Click on stickers option
Step 5: It will open the file explorer window, the same as when you attach an image to send.
Step 6: Choose an image from your computer that you want to convert into a sticker
Step 7: Following this, you will get the option to adjust the corners in the box
Step 6: Tap on send.
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You can save your created sticker for future use also. Just right-click or long-press on a sticker and click on ‘add to favorites’ to save it in your sticker gallery of WhatsApp.