Last week, Telegram released an update that improved the instant messaging app and added new functions. Thanks to the company’s recent addition of Chromecast compatibility, Android users can now easily project any video on the platform to a large screen.
Additionally, Telegram has introduced a number of new security-focused features that will help users defend against spam and scams. Additionally, Telegram is offering startups and companies a discounted rate for using its verification platform to validate their members.
The messaging platform described the new capabilities in detail in a blog post. This is noteworthy since it is a component of the company’s monthly update, which includes enhancements and new features. Telegram Stars, the platform’s virtual currency that can be used to donate to other users and unlock content and services in small apps, is the main emphasis of the update.
Regarding the noteworthy features, Chromecast support has been added to Telegram for Android. With only a few taps, users of the messaging app on Android handsets may now project movies to their Chromecast devices. To begin streaming a video after it has been opened, users must press the settings button and select Chromecast.
Telegram is also implementing a new info page feature to shield users against scammers. The application will display a comprehensive information page whenever a user receives their first message from someone outside of their contacts.
Based on their phone number, the page will display their country of origin, the time they joined the app, the date and time they last changed their username and profile picture, any shared groups, and whether or not their account is authentic or has third-party verification.
According to the company, the page will show up before they respond, allowing users to identify suspicious activity and possible scams. Additionally, Telegram is changing prices on its Verification Platform. Businesses and startups can use Telegram Gateway, an authentication tool, to confirm the phone numbers of their clients.
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Users who receive a lot of messages can also manage spam with Telegram and profit from their popularity. Users will now be able to charge for messages that arrive from contacts they do not have on their contacts. According to the business, this new method will ensure that users do not receive spam messages and would also provide them the possibility to make money.
In order to keep the conversation on topic and enable group owners to profit from their community-building efforts, the star system can also be employed for groups and channels.