WhatsApp has been spotted developing a feature that would allow users to share video and music audio while on a WhatsApp call. A feature tracker on iOS already detected the feature in development, and the company appears to be planning the same capability on the Android app.
Listening to video and music audio together is apparently only possible when screen sharing is enabled during a video conference and is not possible during audio-only calls. According to feature tracker WABetaInfo, Meta’s popular messaging platform is now implementing the same video and music audio-sharing capability for both Android and iOS.
Earlier this month, the tracker discovered that WhatsApp was adding support for the function on iOS — the development of the feature on Android means that when it is eventually rolled out, users would be able to utilize the feature across platforms.
The feature tracker revealed that WhatsApp is working on the ability to allow all participants in a video chat to listen to music playing on one device in the latest WhatsApp beta for Android
However, because the feature is still in development, even users who have signed up to receive beta updates will be unable to test it on the current version.
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According to WABetaInfo, the feature to share video and music audio on WhatsApp won’t work on an audio-only WhatsApp call, much like it does on iOS. Meanwhile, according to the feature tracker, even video calls with the video switched off will not be supported.
If this feature seems familiar, it’s because Apple released a similar tool called SharePlay in 2021, which allows users to watch videos, listen to music, and play games with pals while on a FaceTime chat.