WhatsApp began rolling out a new feature recently aimed at improving the safety of its group messaging features. When an anonymous user adds a user to a group on Meta’s messaging platform, contextual information is now shown.
The feature is intended to give WhatsApp users useful information about the group they’ve been added to, as well as a shortcut to leave the group. The service already has a feature that lets users block strangers from inviting them to groups.
According to details shared on Tuesday, WhatsApp has released a new card for group chats that would appear when a user is added to a group by someone who is not in their contacts. This card appears in the chat window and contains group-specific information that provides users with context.
The new context cards for group chats will prominently display the identity of the WhatsApp user who added them to the group. A screenshot of the feature in action shows that the card displays the name set by the user, which is shown with the tilde symbol (~) when an unknown person writes a message in a group chat.
Users will also receive a notification that they were “added by a non-contact” to a group. The name of the user who formed the group will also appear on the context card for the new member. The name, of course, will be determined by what the group’s creator has specified in their WhatsApp settings.
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If a user has been added to a group that they do not wish to be a part of, the context card contains a Safety tools option for reporting problematic content. Users will also notice an Exit group button to leave if they do not want to participate in the conversation.