According to a feature tracker, WhatsApp for iOS is testing a new feature based on augmented reality (AR). The said feature is said to bring AR capabilities for video calls on the platform, enabling users to customize factors such as lighting conditions and surroundings. The feature, which is available as a beta version, is also said to have touch-up filters that adjust the appearance in real-time, as well as a specific low-light mode.
According to the feature tracker WABetaInfo, AR capability was first discovered in the WhatsApp beta for Android version in July. It has finally appeared on its iOS counterpart too, with the reported rollout of the WhatsApp beta for iOS version via the TestFlight program.
According to the shared screenshot, WhatsApp’s new AR features include dynamic facial filters. Users can now apparently change their appearance, including the overall color tone of the video feed.
It is also believed to contain a background-altering tool, which allows users to blur their background or replace it with one of the instant messaging platform’s preset backgrounds.
Additionally, the WhatsApp for iOS beta release is said to have two dedicated modes: touch-up and low-light. While the former is believed to include a facial filter that removes imperfections and smoothes the complexion, similar to the face beauty filters seen on smartphones, the latter is said to improve vision in low-light conditions.
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- How to Create AI-Generated Stickers on WhatsApp
In addition to in-development AR capabilities, WhatsApp just increased its sticker range by including GIPHY-powered stickers. Users can now search for suitable stickers without exiting the app. Additionally, the personalized sticker maker, which was first offered on iOS in January, is also available for Android.