It has been reported that WhatsApp is developing a number of new capabilities for the Android OS. According to a feature tracker, a new in-app dialler is one of the features included in the most recent WhatsApp for Android beta app update. By enabling users to make calls straight from the app without having to switch to the system dialer and save the contact on the Android smartphone, this feature is likely to make WhatsApp calling easier.
The new in-app dialer might show up in the Calls tab as a floating action button (FAB), according to feature tracker WABetaInfo. Users can take advantage of it to benefit from WhatsApp calling, even to numbers that aren’t stored on their phones. According to reports, the Android beta version of WhatsApp for Android has this capability.
In addition to calling, users might be able to add the contact—either as a new contact or an existing one—to their smartphone’s address book by saving it from the dialer. Additionally, it is reported that there will be a messaging feature available for users who planned to phone someone at first but changed their mind and would now like to send them a WhatsApp message.
It is also rumored to have the ability to verify if a specific number is registered on WhatsApp. According to the feature tracker, a limited number of users who have signed up for the Google Play Beta program as beta testers for the WhatsApp app for Android are able to access the new in-app dialer.
A report claims that WhatsApp has also added new and more dynamic stickers. According to reports, these stickers provide more fluid motion because of the recently added Lottie framework support. According to reports, it makes it possible to create more dynamic animations for native mobile rendering that are created with motion graphic design applications like Adobe After Effects.
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The 228KB “I’m Just a Girl” sticker collection, created by BUCK, is the first to support this new architecture formally. Both iOS and Android users of WhatsApp are getting access to this feature.