WhatsApp Channel verification check marks will soon be changed to a new color on Android. A feature tracker discovered the visual change on a recent beta version of WhatsApp, implying that it will be rolled out to all users soon. It will make the tick marks inside the app look like those on Instagram and Facebook, Meta’s popular social networking platforms.
According to feature tracker WABetaInfo, a new blue checkmark has already begun to appear for testers who have downloaded the most recent version of WhatsApp beta for Android.
WhatsApp’s revamped color scheme will increase uniformity throughout the company’s apps, allowing users who are familiar with Facebook and Instagram to quickly determine whether the entity they are communicating with is real.
The modified verification tick is now being given out to WhatsApp beta testers on Android, but it may be rolled out to iOS testers in the coming days or weeks. It will eventually be available on the stable update channel for all platforms, including WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp Desktop.
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