The story follows with The Grinch who lives a solitary life inside a cave on Mt. Crumpet with only his loyal dog, Max and only sees his neighbors in Whoville when he runs out of food. Each year his neighbors disrupt his peaceful isolation with their Christmas celebrations. Fed up by residents’ annual Christmas celebration, he goes on a mission to ruin the festivities by stealing all the presents and decorations, only to have his heart changed by a young girl’s generous holiday spirit.
This animated version from Illumination Entertainment has Academy Award® nominee Benedict Cumberbatch voicing the green Grinch. Universal and Illumination’s The Grinch is a perfect, computer-animated holiday fun for kids of all ages.
This movie has a 5.8 out of 10 rating on IMDB and 6 out of 10 rating on rotten tomatoes with 59% freshness score. While many critics are giving negative reviews about it, the audience score on rotten tomatoes shows 4.1 out 5 rating which means most of the movie lovers are admiring this movie.
The Grinch 2018 Review:
Directed by Yarrow Cheney and Scott Mosier, the movie was an entertaining remake but didn’t add anything new. The story is nearly the same along with the characters except for the addition of Reindeer, which was well introduced as a fun element inside the movie.
The movie adaptation is bright, colorful, and funny, but it doesn’t come near to the effectiveness of the original. Although Benedict Cumberbatch Makes a great impression of the Grinch, I personally think his voice isn’t as resonantly deep as Boris Karloff’s.
The movie shows the sad backstory of the Grinch that explains his motivations for hating the holiday. Along with Grinch’s story, you will also enjoy Cindy Lou’s character who attempts to convince Santa to grant her selfless wish.
Whether to watch it or not:
Although the story of the movie is nearly the same, the animation done by the studio is absolutely stunning. This movie has some really funny moments but they have added too much stuff that wasn’t relevant. If you have kids then this is a good movie to enjoy with them. I would suggest watching this movie at least once in a movie theater.
The Grinch presents a zestful and unfaltering melodic that combines sheer voice acting with a complete fun storyline. This movie was one of the most adorable and fun feel animated movies which I think most people will enjoy.
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