According to a report, Apple Vision Pro 2, the rumored successor to the Cupertino-based tech giant’s first mixed-reality headset, may never be released. This development is owing to low sales of the AR/VR headset, which costs $3,499 for the basic 256GB storage variant. However, Apple may have plans for a less expensive albeit with fewer features.
The Information stated, citing industry sources involved with the supply chain of its components, that Apple Vision Pro 2 development may have been suspended. This is reportedly owing to weak headset sales, as noted by analysts.
The Vision Pro was first launched at WWDC 2023 and was initially available only in the United States. However, its availability has increased to numerous more locations in recent months, with Apple announcing the headset’s sale in eight new markets, including Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Apple refers to the gadget as a “spatial computer” since it allows users to interact with apps in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) environments.
While the Vision Pro 2 may not be released, Apple is apparently planning a new headset. According to the research, a lower-cost version of the Vision Pro may be available by the end of 2025. This variant is expected to be less expensive and includes fewer features.
To do this, Apple claimed to have moved resources away from the development of the Vision Pro 2 to another team, which may be attempting to reduce the cost of the Vision Pro components.
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According to the report, the more affordable Vision Pro option is part of Apple’s initial objective which included launching the headset in two versions: Standard and Pro, similar to other Apple gadgets such as the iPhone.